
We won’t obey ‘direct cash-in directive’- MoMo Agents to MTN

Scores of Mobile Money (MoMo) Agents in the Ashanti Region (A/R) have rejected the new directive from their employers, Mobile Telecommunication Network, MTN Ghana, demanding of them to conform to the new ‘direct cash-in’ method.

The ‘direct cash-in’ method is to allow customers conduct mobile money transactions by themselves without any agents’ assistant.

The method is intended to ensure that the e-levy policy is materialised with respect to cash-in transactions than taking advantage of merchants currently exempted.

Until now, vendors have adhered to the indirect transaction format where mobile money transactions are done on behalf of customers, reports.

At a press meeting in Jachie, the Bosomtwe MoMo Agents Association vehemently kicked against the latest decision by MTN citing it as unproductive and suppressive to their businesses.

Spokesperson for the Association, Daniel Martey explained that, the new system if allowed will only introduce chains of rifts between them and customers to the disadvantage of their businesses.

He expanded that, per this directive some customers cannot make transactions exceeding their wallet limits unlike before where agents would transact on their behalf.

“In a country where there is high illiteracy and many are unfamiliar with technology, we stand to lose in this business where such customers can withdraw from using MoMo without our assistance”, He asserted.

According to him, the practiced indirect system, serves as their incentive package and any attempt to withdraw it will seriously affect their profit margin and can keep them out of business as well.

Mr. Martey made the disclosure that, “since the inception of the MoMo business, about thirteen years ago, there has never been any increment in our commissions. It has rather reduced from 50% to the current 36%, with MTN taking the chunk share of it.”

He labeled the directive as economically unbefitting considering the current hardship in the country, making it impossible for them to run the MoMo business only on this meager commission given them.

Some members in an interview expressed their agitations while pronouncing intentions to persistently oppose the new directive which they termed as business threatening.

“One would have expected to see MTN enrolling some welfare measures to cater for the current dangers facing their mobile money agents nationwide and not these loads and burdens”, Christian Takyi affirmed.

He continued that, “while Ghana is witnessing such high standard of living, their commissions should be increased too or they be compensated for additional responsibilities and not suppressed the more.”

The agents in unison connoted their unwillingness to allow for the imposition of the direct cash-in directive but requested of MTN to engage them for healthy consultants to device a more holistic approach.

Source: II Hayford Tabi II 2022

Evans Osei-Bonsu

Evans is a radio producer @PureFM (95.7MHz) under the Angel Broadcasting Network (ABN Ghana), writer, student of Law and Politics at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST).

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