
Journalists are more important than MPs – Akua Donkor

Akua Donkor, Founder and Leader of the Ghana Freedom Party, made a bold statement on Pure FM’s morning drive, asserting that journalists are more crucial than members of parliament due to their vital role in disseminating information to the public. She argued that journalists deserve better benefits for their work.

During the call, Akua Donkor shared her policy highlights, intention to submit her nomination form, and optimism about winning this year’s election. She emphasized that true leadership requires wisdom, understanding, and courage to make decisions that benefit everyone, not just eloquence in English.

Akua Donkor cited examples of hardship in Ghana despite being governed by well-educated individuals and the devastating impact of Galamsey activities on the environment. She promised to provide free electricity, water, education, and ports to ease the burden on Ghanaians, drawing inspiration from former Libyan President Gadafi’s utilization of petroleum resources to benefit his citizens. Akua Donkor believes Ghana can similarly harness its abundant natural resources to benefit its people.

Source: Adwoa Nyarko Asiamah || 12th September, 2024.

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