
COKA donates wheelchair, cash to a physically challenged in Offinso South

A 43-year-old physically challenged man identified as Philimon Quashie has received a new wheelchair from a former New Patriotic Party Chairman, Odeneho Kwaku Appiah.

In the early hours of September 6, a team comprising the Offinso South NPP constituency Chairman Salathiel Kwaku Takyi, and the Assembly member for the Abofuo Electoral area, Hon Sarfo visited the home of Quashie to deliver a wheelchair and an undisclosed amount of money.

During the launch of the unity walk in the constituency last weekend, Quashie was seen in his half-faulty wheelchair at the campaign grounds. A situation which caught the attention of COKA who pledged to assist him. In a conversation with Quarshie, COKA said “Your wheelchair isn’t strong enough but for your enthusiasm, I will get you a new one.”

Grateful Quashie expressed his heartfelt appreciation to COKA and his NPP team for the kind gesture which was shown to him.

Source: Purefmonline.com| 2024

Nana Yaa Nyarko

Nana Yaa is a journalist with a demonstrated history of working in the broadcast media industry. Skilled in editing, social media marketing, web content creation, News writing, and Fixing. She is a communication professional with background focus on Public Relations and Marketing.

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