
Her childhood has never been denied – Nungua Traditional Authority justifies marriage of 12-yr-old girl to Chief Priest

The Nungua Traditional Authority has justified the marriage of a 12-year-old girl Naa Okromo to 63-year-old Gborbu Wulomo, Nuumo Borketey Laweh Tsuru XXXIII.

Nungua Mankralo Tetteh Nii Gbotery Kofi Frankwa explained that the minor would only be assisting the  Overlord with his duties at the temple as a virgin.

The marriage has raised concerns among the public but the Office of the Overlord of Ga Dangme clarified that the marriage is strictly for traditional purposes as she will not be performing any conjugal rite.

Speaking in an interview with TV3 on Monday, April 1, he said “This is the second wife  [Pointing to an old woman], she is almost 90 years old, can one say that the Gborbu  Wulormo is having what concerns are being raised with her?  Obviously no.  But is a customary duty,  It is a customary duty for Naa Yomo  to perform and that customary duty calls for a virgin  “

“Her childhood has never been denied, there are many chiefs and queens that were installed chiefs and queens  when they were even in  their mother’s belly, their rights were never taken away, indeed it enhanced and gave them certain privileges that ordinary children will not even have.”

By the customs of their community, Naa Okromo now assumes the traditional name Naa Ayemoede.

But this union is not complete without further rites. Naa Ayemoede is to undergo a second customary ceremony, one centered on purification.

This rite will empower her to fulfill all the duties expected of her as the wife of the Gborbu Wulomo, including the crucial role of procreation.

Meanwhile, the Gborbu Wulomo temple has been saying that the 12-year-old girl has been designated to attend to one of the 99 deities of the Ga-Adangbe group, which necessitates her being a virgin.

The ceremony, which according to the spokesperson for the temple, Nii Bortey Kofi Frankwa II, began six years ago, was made public to ensure the young girl’s purity is maintained in order to protect her from sexual violation by men.

He has been explaining at a press conference that the role the young girl is expected to perform within the shrine is traditionally reserved for virgins.

He indicates that those criticising the practice and calling for the prosecution of the Wulomo lack insight on the Ga-Dangme tradition, something they should have consulted before laying bare their criticisms.

“When somebody makes such a call it comes from a point of ignorance. Because first, you need to come closer and ask so that you will appreciate what it is but not take hook line, and sinker what is being said,” he said at the press conference Monday, April 1, 2024.

“Because it goes beyond what is being preached out there. It is deeper than what is being preached. It is deeper for our spirituality,” he added.

Source : Laud Nartey

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